Lyndon Arthur drops Boris Crighton on way to points victory

“From hot yoga to cold reality” is how Channel 5 announced Lyndon Arthur’s late replacement Boris Crighton. Arthur was due to face Braian Suarez, however the South American pulled out due to a failed medical. It was down to the part time yoga teacher (10-2, 7 KOs) to save the televised main event.

A cagey first round could of gone either way to start proceedings. The same continued until the fourth round, with Crighton the one applying the pressure. Crighton tried to go through the gears landing some good shots in the fourth, the most exciting the fight had been at this stage. Sadly things slowed down again in the fifth round continuing until the eighth, commentator Barry Jones describing the fight as “a tetchy affair.”

Arthur was looking for the perfect shot all night and in the ninth round he finally started to make a serious breakthrough. Arthur caught Crighton with a right hand that stiffened the legs of the late replacement as the round began. Arthur continued to land at will with the right hand, Crighton did incredibly to fight back, swinging for the fences his only option to make the bell.

Commentator Georg Groves had Arthur ‘edging it’ going into the final round. Arthur seemed content to box his way to presumed victory, however Crighton landed a big right midway through the round which Arthur took well. The pressure was eventually the undoing the Crighton, landing his own left hook that was countered by a thudding right hand that sent the man from Aberdeen to the canvas. Crighton made it to his feet before as the fight cam to a close.

The scorecards read 98-92, 96-93 and 99-91 to give Lyndon Arthur the unanimous-decision, his record improving to 22-1, 15 KOs .