At Home With The Furys: A new life without boxing

After months of anticipation, WBC heavyweight world champion Tyson Fury finally saw his Netflix documentary series “At Home With the Furys” released on Wednesday on the streaming platform Netflix.

The nine episodes-long series documents Tyson and his family’s lives immediately after his knockout victory over Dillian Whyte in front of 94,000 people at London’s Wembley Stadium.

Episode one, titled “A Life without Boxing”, primarily introduces the Fury clan and features Tyson, Paris and their six children alongside brother Tommy and his partner, Molly-Mae.

Father, John briefly features with his particular highlight falling off a piece of gym equipment, bringing Tyson to hysterics as the pair worked out together in a gymnasium near the Fury’s home.

In the episode’s opening minutes, Wife Paris admits she believes that “i think he’ll (Tyson) struggle just to be the normal person. The normal dad. To be at home constantly, i think it’ll drive him up the wall.”

When he was speaking on his own about his retirement, Fury was upbeat and said, “(I) got the belts, I’m undefeated, all the money, all the fame, all the good looks, and still got my brains intact. Nothing else to prove.”

However, Tyson, when walking along Morecambe Bay with their wife, Paris, already dropped seeds of doubt regarding his decision to retire by asking her, “Would you like me to fight again?” Paris answered simply by saying, “i don’t want you to fight any more.” Paris followed this up by suggesting to Tyson that “You (Tyson) will get bored. I think you will get bored not doing anything.”

Tyson tries to reassure Paris that he “is happy with what he is doing, buzzing around Morecombe, minding his own business and doing what I’ve gotta do in life and that’s it. I want to enjoy what i have done, enjoy the spoils of war.”

On his own, Tyson did admit that retirement does “scare me” predominantly due to the lack of a structure in his life and purpose which retirement will entail.

Father, John spoke proudly of his son, saying, “My son is the greatest boxer that has ever lived, and I’m a proud dad. He’s proved that he’s the best of his era. At the end of the day, everybody knows the name Tyson Fury. He’s a legacy. He’ll go down in history. It’ll be a long time before one comes along like Tyson.

“He’s unbeaten, he’s fought the best in the world, the most dangerous men in the world, but he (Tyson) said to me, “I’m retiring.”

“I thought, yes. That’ll do for me. I’m Happy.”

Brother Tommy was more apprehensive about his brother’s retirement.

When his partner, Molly-Mae, asked if Tyson’s retirement is legit, Tommy took the news with a pinch of salt.

“My thoughts on Tyson retiring is probably like the weather changing every single day. One minute he’s here; one minute, he’s retired. I don’t think he’ll stay out of the ring.He can’t live without boxing.”

Later in the episode, Tyson shows signs of struggle around his family and adjusting to retired life, which begins at his daughter’s christening celebration in a hotel on Morecambe Bay seafront.

Tyson was asked by a friend who cousin and fellow pro Isaac Lowe accompanied, what is retirement like now. Tyson replied that “It’s good. Im enjoying myself”, despite visibly being uncomfortable. He continues, “I don’t need to get punched, do i, Tim? You know that. I’m too clever for that. Fuck boxing.”

Tyson also shows signs of natural distress when their wife, Paris, cannot find their youngest son, Adonis and demonstrates an immediate change in his mood and mindset. Fury is able to locate his son before taking his leave from the celebrations, much to the upset of Paris due to Fury’s foul and volatile mood.

The day after the celebrations, Tyson pays tribute to Paris for dealing with his well-documented mental health struggles, saying, “She has put up with a lot, the highs and the lows; she has always been there for me. Where would i be without her? Dead probably.”

The final part of the episode shows Tyson doing regular household jobs and complaining about retirement, eluding that it was not what he expected. Jobs such as moving rubble following renovation work to his house show Fury as a frustrated man and, despite being surrounded by his family, projects the image of being alone and trapped by his own thoughts.

At a family meal later that day, Tyson, who has a minor issue trying to park a 4x4 into one of his many garages and is triggered into a bad mood before joining his family to eat. Paris says that once he is in a bad mood, it takes a lot for him to snap out of it and back to reality.

Once seated, Tyson says, “I’m absolutely stressed to fuck. I swear to god that is heart attack material (moving vehicles) what I’ve just done.” Paris questions Tyson about what he has been doing all day.

“I’ve not stopped. I have not stopped since i got up and opened my eyes until now. I’m the busiest retired man in the world. I would’ve probably had an easier life when i was active. A lot less stress and hassle. “

Tyson concedes that boxing is the only thing that gives him a purpose, and without it just feels like another statistic, and “that spark’s gone” now that he is settling into retired life.

“I don’t know if i can do all this.” when he speaks away from his children to Paris as she questions him, “I thought you was retired.”

“This is what I’m saying. Retiring would’ve been playing golf and having fuck all to do all day. It’s easier getting set about by heavyweight champions than staying home staying at home for a fucking day.” Tyson said in an abrasive tone before continuing to say, “Honestly, I’d rather get punched the fuck out of me by ten world champions than stay at home for a week and to do all these jobs; it’s hard work.”